Slovak Government Grants for Chosen Developing Nations

The Slovak Republic (SR) extends governmental grants to students from specific developing nations aspiring to engage in full-time advanced educational pursuits in a selected field at public institutions within the SR.

Host Institution(s):
Public Educational Institutions in Slovakia
Field(s) of study:
Not explicitly specified
Number of Scholarship:
Approximately 48
Target Group:
Global Scholars from Afghanistan, Kenya, Moldova, Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Mongolia, Palestinian National Authority, and Vietnam.

Scholarship value/inclusions:
These grants encompass a monthly stipend of a specified sum, lodging, education at the designated public institution, and a 10-month language training scholarship provided by the SR Government if applicable.

Grant for Pursuing 1st and 2nd Degree Higher Education Programs (Hereafter Referred to as Bachelor, Master, and Postgraduate Study) in the SR: Individuals seeking an SR Government grant for bachelor’s, master’s, or postgraduate higher education programs within the SR Government’s offering must fulfill the subsequent criteria:
a) Have successfully completed secondary education, culminating in a school-leaving examination. The foreign-acquired educational document must be evaluated by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas (Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní) of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava;
b) Fulfill the prerequisites for acceptance into higher education studies as per Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and amendments to certain acts, as amended,;
c) Submit a fully filled application form for an SR Government grant with the pertinent attachments;
d) Applicants aged 18 to 26 are eligible for an SR Government grant.
Grant for Pursuing 3rd Degree Higher Education Programs (Hereafter Referred to as Doctoral Study) in the SR: Those applying for a doctoral study grant within the SR Government’s framework must adhere to the following criteria:
a) Hold a higher education degree in a second-degree study program (obtained the academic title “MSc.” at a foreign institution or “Mgr.,” “Ing.,” “MUDr.,” or “MVDr.” at a domestic university). The internationally-acquired educational document must be assessed by the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas (Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní) of the SR Ministry of Education, Science, Research & Sport at Stromová 1, 813 30 Bratislava. The committee must attach its opinion to the SR Government grant application submitted by the candidate for review;
b) Satisfy the conditions for admission to the third-degree higher education study program pursuant to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on universities and amendments to certain acts, as amended;
c) Complete and submit an application for an SR Government grant, indicating the doctoral study field based on the applicable list of doctoral study programs conducted in the SR, along with a letter of preliminary acceptance from the anticipated teaching institution in the SR, accompanied by the relevant appendices;
d) Candidates aged 23 to 35 are eligible for an SR Government grant.

Application Instructions:
Online applications are required. The deadline for submitting the online application form is 29 May 2014.
It is imperative to visit the official website (link provided below) to obtain the application form and detailed instructions on applying for this grant.

Official Grant Website:


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